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Freiwilligendienst im Ausland

Suche einen Freiwilligendienst in einem englischsprachigem Land



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Infos Host organisations


  • Wohnort : DE - 53359 Rheinbach


Weil ich gerne einen Freiwilligendienst in einem englischsprachigem Land absolvieren möchte, habe ich mein Motivationsschreiben in Englisch vefasst:

Dear Sir/Madame,

I\'ve always wanted to help somehow and discover new places. I want to spend a year volunteering because it`s my chance to learn about other cultures, countries and even myself.

Ever since I was a child I have loved spending time abroad (most times on holidays) and seeing new places. participated in two student exchanges previously, each lasting one week- the first in Poland and the second in France. I really enjoyed the time there but I want to leave Europe and stay in my new surroundings for longer than one week. I want to be independent from my family and learn to be self sufficient.

I have previously completed an internship that lasted three weeks in a playschool and a short internship of one week in an animal shelter. I enjoyed both and now I want to travel abroad to leave my comfort zone.

I have done babysitting in a family with two children (5 and 7 years old) and I practicing private tutoring in different families.

I`m kind, patient, adaptable, interested and I have no problem with doing hard work. Sometimes I`m a little shy but this isn`t holding me back from achieving my goals.
I always see the best in each situation and I always find a way to solve my problems on my own, but I
don`t have a problem with asking for help, either.

Art der Stelle

  • gesetzlich geregelter Freiwilligendienst


  • mit Kindern
  • mit Erwachsenen
  • mit Senioren
  • Landwirtschaft
  • Naturschutz
  • Bildung / Unterrichten
  • mit Tieren
  • Menschenrechte

Beginn und Dauer

  • Dienstbeginn : 9 / 2018
  • Dauer : 12 Monate oder nach Absprache

Besondere Kenntnisse

  • Führerschein :
  • Fremdsprachen :
    Englisch (sprechen= gut (B1/B2), verstehen= sehr gut (C1/C2)

Gewünschte Einsatzländer