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Freiwilligendienst im Ausland

Angehende Abiturientin möchte sich im ökologischen Bereich im englischsprachigen Ausland engagieren



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Infos Host organisations


  • Wohnort : DE - 77694 Kehl


To whom it may concern,

I would like to apply for 6 months to 1 year to work in a project with you in the field of animal welfare, nature protection and environmental conservation.
My name is Anna. I am 17 years old.
Currently I am a student at the Einstein Gymnasium (german secondary school) in Kehl, Germany and I am expected to finish school with my diploma from secondary school in 2018. I am very interested in natural sciene, especially in biology.
After I finish school I plan on doing a hands-on internship for 6-12 months abroad (english speaking) to help with one of the projects. I am hoping to get more insights for my possible future studies in biology.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my application.

Yours sincerely

Art der Stelle

  • gesetzlich geregelter Freiwilligendienst


  • Naturschutz
  • mit Tieren

Beginn und Dauer

  • Dienstbeginn : 9 / 2018
  • Dauer : 9 Monate

Besondere Kenntnisse

  • Führerschein :
    Klasse B
  • Fremdsprachen :
    Englisch (B2)

Gewünschte Einsatzländer